Speaker Biography




Maternal mortality remains a public health concern; about 303,000 maternal deaths were reported in 2015 globally.  Each day, about 830 women were reported to die from pregnancy or childbirth related complications. In low and middle income countries including Tanzania maternal mortality are high. In Tanzania maternal mortality ratio is high at 556 deaths per 100,000 live births. Direct Health Facility Financing (DHFF) was introduced by the government of Tanzania in financial year 2017/18 with main goal of decentralize powers to primary health care facility in-charges and improve ownership among community.


Study utilized mixed method approach to capture information before and after implementation of DHFF 2016/17 before and 2017/18 after intervention. Data were collected before and after intervention. 20 IDIs were conducted with health care providers at 5 health facilities and 5 FGDs were conducted with Community health governing committee members in each study site.


Increased number of pregnancy women delivered at health facilities from 1189 to 1589. An increased number of drugs necessary for maternal health such as folic acid from 8,800 to 20,000, Iron supplement from 23,800 to 39,900, Magnesium sulfate from 43 to 57, Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine from 26,200 to 39,500 and urine deep stick for protein from 3,200 to 4,600. Furthermore, an increased number of medical equipment’s like BP machine from 7 to 13, weigh scale machine from 8 to 10, fetal scope from 7 to10 and deliveries kits from 24 to 73. Increased number of medical reagents like syphilis test from 2,390 to 8,568, urine deep stick for protein from 500 to 2,200 and MRDT from 1,250 to 8,800. DHFF has increased stakeholders involvement in facility planning, budgeting and purchasing of facilities drugs, medical supplies and medical reagents which facilitate provision of better maternal health services.


We recommend that, DHFF to be taught in health institutions, this will help to impart required skills and knowledge to health care workers and simplify its implementations.