Taniya Thapa
Chitwan Medical College, Nepal
Title: Awareness Regarding Pelvic Organ Prolapse Among Women Attending a Teaching Hospital in Chitwan
Taniya Thapa, graduated as Masters in Nursing (Women’s health and Development) and Masters in Sociology with two and half years experience in clinical as Nursing In charge and two years experienced as Nursing Lecturer and recently working as Lecturer in Chitwan Medical College approved by Tribhuwan University in Nepal. With the work experiences and skills attained so far has inspired for further career development with readiness to face with new challenges
Objectives: Pelvic organ prolapse is the descent of one or more of the pelvic structures from the normal anatomic location toward or through the vaginal opening influencing the quality of life of women particularly among adults and old women in developing countries. We aim to assess the awareness regarding pelvic organ prolapsed among women attending in a teaching hospital, Chitwan so that necessary awareness program could be recommended if found unsatisfactory.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was done among 110 women attending Gynae Gynaecology Outpatient Department of Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Chitwan who participated voluntarily in face to face interview that used structured questionnaire from 1st July to 5th August, 2018 selected using consecutive sampling technique. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics like frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square and fisher exact test.
Results: Among 110 respondents the median age was 37.0 years, 31.8% were from the ages between 31-40 years. Majority of the respondents were literate, 47.3% were housewife, 51.8% had first child between the ages of 20-24 years, 46.4% had two children, 33.6% had abortion, 49.1% had heard about pelvic organ prolapsed from friends and relatives and 6.4% were diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse and among the diagnosed 28.6% had received treatment, 65.5% were aware regarding pelvic organ prolapse and age of having first child was significantly associated with the level of awareness (p=0.002).
Conclusion: In conclusion more than half of the women were aware regarding pelvic organ prolapse. Further awareness program can be conducted at rural settings by Female Community Health Volunteers and health workers to enhance the awareness level regarding pelvic organ prolapse among women.